The services we offer

We’re uncompromising about our work and care passionately, believing that everyone deserves to get the most out of life regardless of their age, health or disability.

That's why we’ll listen to you and take the time to understand your needs and the choices you’d like to make about your care.


Get help and support at the press of a button 24/7 with our range of personal alarm and telecare response services

From £4 per week

Supported Housing

Live somewhere with more support in our extra care and award-winning sheltered accommodation

From £100 per week

Find care for an illness

We have several ways we can help by providing support and technology to assist people to stay independent at home, we can provide individually tailored solutions to help with the following issues:

  • Poor mobility
    Those who want to feel safe and more confident in their own home know that help is only the press of a button away.

    We offer a range of personal alarms, sensors and telecare products and services to help you get out and about and feel more confident at home.

    Find out more about TrustCall
  • Risk of trips and falls
    We know many of our customers, particularly those unsteady on their feet, can be prone to trips and falls.

    Our lifting service offers peace of mind that someone will be by their side to help carefully lift them back to their feet should they need it.

    Find out more about TrustCall
  • Dementia care
    For those living with dementia, we offer thoughtful and intuitive products that help manage the associated risks, allowing you or your loved one to stay in their home for as long as possible.

    Find out more about TrustCall
  • After surgery or illness
    We know how much support is needed following surgery or when you or a loved one are recovering from an illness.

    Our range of personal alarms, sensors and telecare products and services are tailored to offer you all the help and support you need to help make recovery at home a little more comfortable.

    Find out more about TrustCall
  • Epilepsy care
    Our care staff are trained to know how to care for someone having seizures and can offer the support and help that is needed in these situations.

    Find out more about TrustCall

Care you can trust

L&Q Living North West offers you the peace of mind to know that the care and support you or a loved one deserve is in place.

Here's what our customers have to say:

"Downsizing and moving into sheltered housing has taken a huge weight off my shoulders."

Collapsing in a queue while waiting for a Covid test marked a life-changing moment for 69-year-old Glyn Evans.

After being discharged from the hospital, Glyn was still too poorly to go home and was moved to our Newhaven scheme in Altrincham to recover. He was there for a good seven weeks.

"I was so well looked after, it is a wonderful place – they even did my laundry for me, that was a treat! It is a truly special place, when it was my birthday, they arranged a birthday cake and sang happy birthday to me, and I got really choked up.”

Read Glyn's story

“My mum is absolutely thrilled with her robotic cat, Bob. In my mum’s eyes, he’s real and she’s looking after him."

Dementia customer Joy Parker of Newhaven in Timperley, has recently adopted a black and white robotic cat called Bob.

It purrs, rolls over and looks and feels like a real cat, but these are robotic pets aimed at improving the lives of those living with dementia.

Read Joy's story