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Tackling tenancy fraud together


September 2023

We launched a new resident involvement opportunity in April this year – our peer learning and training programme.

The programme brings people together to discuss ideas, exchange knowledge and draw on each other’s strengths. Residents hear from experts who work at L&Q on issues where they have a shared interest and expertise. Previous sessions have been about building safety and how to run a residents’ association.

Our third session took place on 20 June and focused on tenancy fraud. Eight residents were joined by our Tenancy Fraud Manager and Tenancy Fraud Investigator to talk about the significant challenges this crime poses to society, from its impacts on local communities and public finances to how tenancy fraud contributes to the housing crisis.

We have a zero-tolerance approach to tenancy fraud. Social housing is in high demand, and it’s vital that we allocate homes to people in real housing need. Residents can play an active role in helping us to root out illegal subletting (where a resident rents out all or part of their social rented home to someone else).

Read our previous article which explains how to report illegal subletting.

Residents fed back on the importance of raising awareness about this topic and how they found the day very interesting.

At a recent Regional Resident Committee meeting, Laura Hallett, Head of Housing for the London South West region, explained how her team are working closely with the Tenancy Fraud team to recover illegally sublet homes. This has resulted in a reduction in antisocial behaviour on a local level and an affordable home becoming available for a family in need.

The next session will take place on Tuesday 26 September and will focus on diversity and inclusion.

If you would like to join our Peer Learning and Training Programme, or are interested in getting involved with us in another way, please sign up using our online form or get in touch with us by emailing our Resident Involvement team.