Your feedback on our online services
A summary of your feedback on online services and what we’re doing to improve
Throughout April and May 2021, nearly 1,000 residents from the L&Q and you! community told us what you think of the new website and online account.
The top ways you described the new website were modern, clear, friendly and welcoming.
There were several things you liked about the new website, including:
- Clear responsibilities of L&Q vs residents
- It's appearance
- Easy to navigate
- There's a lot of helpful information that is clearly laid out
- Access to rent payments online
However, you thought we needed to make improvements in the following areas:
- You found some things difficult to find, such as mutual exchanges, planned maintenance, contact details and information for residents with a disability. We're working on making this information more visible and easier to find
- You thought we could do more to make sure the website reflects a variety of different religions and sexualities
- Social tenants told us that the website didn't feel like it was tailored to their needs and that the search function could be improved and more efficient at providing you with the relevant information
This feedback shows that we need to make sure the website caters to people holding different tenancies who may need to access different types of information.
We've made several formatting changes considering your feedback, and we've reviewed the positioning of where these services sit on the website and updated some of the imagery.
We've also relaunched the L&Q Foundation pages to prioritise its position on the website and added some new imagery too.
We're currently reviewing the website's page layout to make the content easier to view and more mobile-friendly.
Your thoughts on our new online account
We asked you about the new online account. Seven in 10 of you have signed up for an account so far.
Not knowing your tenancy reference number seemed to be a barrier to those who haven’t signed up yet. Please note we include information whenever write to you, for example in rent statements.
Some of you also told us that you’re not interested in having an online account and would prefer to use other channels.
Of those of you who have signed up for an online account, you told us you’ve been using it to carry out a range of activities, such as checking your account balance, viewing your latest transactions and statements, and checking your personal information and making an online payment.
You can now set up and view your direct debits online
We've recently improved the payments functionality and added the ability to set up and view direct debits from your online account.
For example, you can now set up multiple direct debits from your account, including rent and garage rental payments. If you previously made multiple payments each month, you won't need to make these manual payments.
Improved usability for those with visual impairment
We received some feedback that the website wasn't user-friendly for residents with visual impairment.
We're pleased to tell you there's a new tool to improve usability.
When using our website, you can now adjust how the website appears to make it easier for you to read.
To do this, click on the cog icon which sits in the bottom left-hand corner of the website. The new tool allows you to change the colour and size of the text, apply filters and save easy-access links.