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Have you tested your smoke alarm recently?


December 2023

A working smoke detector will give you the earliest possible warning of a fire starting, allowing time for you and your family to safely escape.

Smoke or heat detectors are essential to warn us of a fire when we are asleep.

Smoke detectors are commonly fitted in the hallway or on landings in your home, and increasingly with new properties in other rooms such as bedrooms and living rooms.

Make sure your smoke or heat detector is working

A smoke or heat detector should be tested regularly, ideally weekly. It's your responsibility to do this in your home.

Test your detectors by pressing the test button on the unit. Push the button until the alarm sounds. If other detectors are linked together these may also sound. If not, you must test each of them individually.

It is often easier and safer to use a testing stick (such as a broom handle) than standing on a chair or steps.

If your smoke alarm makes a chirping sound every 30-60 seconds, this is a warning that the battery is running low on power and needs replacing. Where the battery can’t be replaced, it's time to replace the smoke or heat detector.

If a smoke or heat detector has a non-replaceable long-life battery it should be written on the unit.

What to do if your smoke or heat detector doesn’t sound when tested

Don’t leave it. If it doesn’t sound, you may need to replace the battery. Some smoke or heat detectors have the same life span as the battery, typically ten years. If the battery cannot be replaced the whole detector can be easily replaced with a new 10-year smoke or heat detector which are available in most DIY stores.

Mains wired smoke or heat detectors will also have a backup battery but if the detector is not working you should seek advice from a qualified electrician.

If you are an L&Q tenant, you must report the fault to us on 0300 456 9996.

If you rent your home from L&Q, we'll make sure that you have a smoke alarm in your home. However, it is your responsibility to test this regularly and let us know immediately if it isn't working.

We're also in the process of fitting smoke alarms in homes that don't have them yet. If you rent your home from L&Q and don't have a smoke alarm yet, please let us know so that we can ensure you are scheduled to receive one.