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Funding is here to help you get active!

Phase four of the fund - We’re delighted to announce that £152,000 is available for community projects to help you get active. This marks the latest grant from L&Q Foundation.

A £152,000 fund is open to organisations delivering physical activity projects for our residents. The fund will support organisations working with various people - people with long-term health conditions, disabilities, people from lower-income backgrounds, and people from culturally diverse communities. It will help set up activities, to promote and support our residents physical and mental wellbeing.

So far, we have shared £190,000 with projects, including some run by Trafford Housing Trust and L&Q Living. The money was spent on activities such as yoga for new mums at the Lewington Centre, physical activity programmes for adults with learning disabilities, and free boxing sessions in Edmonton.

We gave the community engagement programme, Salaam Peace, £3,590 from phase three of the fund. Salaam Peace spent the funds on physical activities during the coronavirus lockdowns. In three months, Salaam Peace worked with a hundred 8-14-year-olds from low socio-economic backgrounds and culturally diverse groups, who they say are typically under-represented in sport.

Deputy Chief Executive Officer Azi Mohammed said:

“The Sport England together funding was crucial in us delivering pilot sports projects in Newham and Hackney. The project was well attended, and the participants are keen to continue engaging in our physical activity provisions. We eagerly anticipate the next round of funding as we want to continue delivering these provisions.”

We want to continue supporting organisations that reach out to groups that could benefit most from physical activities. We will increase our focus on helping projects recover and grow after setbacks during the coronavirus lockdowns.

Corrine Hutcheson, Head of Placemaking, said:

“We’ve already seen great results from the projects involved, and we’re looking forward to seeing more as we launch the next round of the Together Fund. This round specifically works to help some of the people who have the most to gain from becoming more active.”

If you know an organisation that could be interested in funding or would like to find out more, please contact sboot@lqgroup.org.uk.