The L&Q Foundation develops and funds social initiatives for our local communities. Here, you'll find out more about our latest borough-based approach and how to get involved.

Our objectives

Embracing our corporate strategy: Future Shape (PDF), we aim to enrich the lives of residents and enhance the areas they live in.

That's why we’ve shifted our priorities and are focusing on two key objectives:

  • supporting residents to increase their incomes and financial resilience to help sustain tenancies and maximise income
  • increasing community activity and investment in our core neighbourhoods, so they remain places people are proud to live

A borough-based approach

The economic climate has changed, and so have resident's needs. From now on, we’re adopting a more localised approach, concentrating on areas with the greatest need to amplify our impact.

We’ve appointed a Community Development Lead for eleven priority areas in London and the North West of England.

These leads are researching to identify which services already exist and where there are gaps, and their recommendations will help us develop a Borough Action Plan for each of these areas.

An important part of their research will be consulting with local residents to find out what is most important to you.

In addition to their strategic oversight, each lead will oversee a designated budget for their borough and distribute funds through an invite-only grants programme.

Local voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) organisations who are working to meet our key objectives and who can fill the ‘gaps’ identified in our Borough Action Plans, will be invited to apply for funding. Applications will be processed through a grants panel.

Successful applicants will work closely with the Community Development Leads to ensure projects align with resident needs and are effectively implemented.

How residents can help

Look out for events in your area, get involved in local consultations and participate in surveys to share your thoughts.

Your input will help us make sure our projects are right for your community.