Tenant Satisfaction Measures: Maintaining building safety

How well we’re doing at making sure your homes are safe.

What we've done
(as a percentage of required checks completed)

Results for homes where L&Q is responsible for safety checks* 

Results for all homes, including where another managing agent is responsible for safety checks**
Gas safety checks 98.90% 87.86%
Fire safety checks 99.40% 85.18%
Asbestos safety checks 98.59% 69.11%
 Water safety checks 97.74% 65.52%
Lift safety checks 99.21% 69.77%

What you've told us

Low Cost Rental Accommodation (LCRA) satisfaction

Low Cost Home Ownership (LCHO) satisfaction

Satisfaction that your home is safe 66% 54%


* These results show the percentage of checks completed in homes where L&Q is legally responsible for carrying them out.

** These results show the percentage of checks we can confirm as complete in all of the homes covered by this report. This includes homes where another managing agent is legally responsible for safety checks (this often includes homes in buildings where not everyone is an L&Q resident, and the managing agent has been appointed by another landlord, or the building owner). For these homes, we rely on managing agents to provide us with this information. These results are much lower than the L&Q figures as, at the time of writing, only 23% of managing agents had responded to us when we asked them to confirm that these checks had been done. Those who responded to us confirmed that 100% of the required checks were complete. We will continue working with the remaining agents to ensure they carry out these checks.


What we’re doing to improve

  • We perform well on the safety checks listed in this section, but always strive for 100% as these are required by law. One of the biggest problems we face is getting into homes and buildings to do the work – we’re improving this by:

    - providing at least 48 hours notice of checks (and usually more than this)
    - offering out-of-hours appointments to help residents with daytime commitments to let us in
    - introducing ‘suited locks’ to shared spaces in buildings where we can – this means that we can use a master key to get in and carry out essential works without disturbing residents
    - creating a dedicated team to collaborate with residents in developing new ways to make it easier for you to let us into your homes when needed
    - as a very last resort, taking residents who repeatedly refuse to let us into court
  • We’ve improved how we manage our contractors to ensure safety checks happen when they should and are carried out well.
  • We’ve reviewed the way we work with other managing agents who are responsible for safety checks and will be making improvements to this in the coming year
  • As well as our work to improve performance against the essential safety checks measured here, we're also carrying out one of the UK's largest building safety inspection programmes, covering 32,000 homes in 1,850 buildings.
  • We have a dedicated Fire Safety Engagement team to ensure we’re keeping residents who live in buildings which need inspection up to date.
  • We’ve inspected 1,127 buildings and confirmed that 721 (more than 16,000 homes) don’t need work to meet new building safety standards. We’re on track to complete all necessary inspections by our target date in 2026.
  • 212 of the inspected buildings need work, and are in progress or complete at 109 (we are planning the works or awaiting inspection results for the remaining buildings).

Our Tenant Satisfaction Measures report

For a more detailed description of our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) results, including what you’ve told us, and more on what we’re doing to improve, you can read our full report:

Read our TSMs report 2024 (PDF)