Tenant Satisfaction Measures: Effective complaints handling

How well we’re doing at handling complaints.

What we've done 


Stage one complaints relative to the size of the landlord (as the average number of complaints per 1,000 homes managed) 151.3
Stage two complaints relative to the size of the landlord (as the average number of complaints per 1,000 homes managed) 24.4
Percentage of stage one complaints responded to within the Complaint Handling Code timescales (10 working days) 83.90%
Percentage of stage two complaints responded to within the Complaint Handling Code timescales (20 working days) 35.80%

What you've told us

Low Cost Rental Accommodation (LCRA) satisfaction

Low Cost Home Ownership (LCHO) satisfaction

Satisfaction with L&Q's approach to handling complaints27%10%

What we’re doing to improve

  • We’ve doubled the size of our complaints team to respond to your complaints more quickly.
  • Since January, we’ve reduced outstanding complaints by more than 1,640.
  • More than 300 colleagues have completed new complaint handling training, so they can better support you by understanding and addressing issues.
  • Every colleague involved in handling your complaints has a performance objective to ensure they take responsibility for resolving these and promoting a positive complaints culture – and they’ll be assessed on this every year.
  • Colleagues responsible for sending complaint responses now have the quality of these routinely checked every month.
  • A member of our Group Board and Resident Services Board (made up of L&Q tenants and leaseholders) oversees our work to improve how we deal with complaints.
  • We’ve updated how we manage compensation, so if we get something wrong, you’re compensated fairly based on how you’ve been impacted – read our compensation policy (PDF)
  • We’ve improved the complaints information on our website to make it easier for you to tell us about things that have gone wrong.
  • Based on your feedback, we’ve set up a Complaints Monitoring and Learning Group to help us improve services.

Learn more about what we're doing to improve your experience on our putting things right page.

Our Tenant Satisfaction Measures report

For a more detailed description of our Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) results, including what you’ve told us, and more on what we’re doing to improve, you can read our full report:

Read our TSMs report 2024 (PDF)