Housing sector graduates and apprentices attend networking day

Published on 15/07/2022
L&Q graduates and apprentices came together to celebrate the power of networking at the housing association’s headquarters in Stratford. 

Colleagues from across the organisation attended the action-packed event, which included a workshop, icebreaker activity, and networking lunch. 

The two-hour session focused on helping attendees understand the benefits of networking, how important their network can be, and how to use it to unlock opportunities.

Assistant Director of Group Financial Reporting and previous L&Q graduate, Amy Gilham, shared her experience and career journey, offering tips and guidance to the group of twenty staff members. 

As part of L&Q’s early talent programme, a pipeline of future events is planned to equip graduates and apprentices with the skills they need to navigate their career path, achieve their aspirations, and reach their potential 

Tom Nicholls, Executive Director of HR at L&Q said: “Young people have been some of the hardest hit by the pandemic, and unemployment can have longstanding implications for their career prospects and earning potential.

“L&Q is committed to helping young people and we have a strong track record of providing good quality graduate schemes and apprenticeships to help them develop their skills and confidence in the world of work. 

“Networking can offer a range of exciting employment opportunities and is vital to career growth. I’m pleased we could give our graduates and apprentices the chance to learn about this powerful professional tool and put it into practice. 

Amy Gilham, Assistant Director of Financial Reporting said: “It was great to meet so many of our early talent staff members and spend some time sharing my journey and experience as a previous graduate.

“I’m looking forward to supporting them and celebrating their achievements as they progress their careers with L&Q.”