L&Q joins forces with other housing associations to remove barriers for women in trade roles

Published on 23/04/2021

L&Q has teamed up with seven of the largest names in housing to form a network to promote gender diversity in trade roles.

The Women’s Trade Network aims to remove barriers and increase access for women looking to learn a trade, by delivering training and support.

Currently, just two percent of tradespeople are female, and the network’s mission is to change that by increasing gender diversity in the industry and raising awareness of the benefits a career in trade can offer women.

The network was founded by L&Q, Plentific, Women’s Pioneer Housing, Peabody, Notting Hill Genesis, Direct Works, Chartered Institute for Housing and Places for People.

It is open to any women in the UK, irrespective of their age, background or experience and the programme will offer two streams. The first will be open to women already qualified in a trade and looking for advice on training on starting a business, while the second will provide entry-level training to women without relevant qualifications.

Through its training provider, the network offers fully funded courses to help women explore a career in trade or advance your career in trade, leading to employment prospects that best suit your skills, available time and career goals.

Gerri Scott, Group Director, Customer Service, said:“Inclusion is one of our five values at L&Q and we are passionate about greater representation across the whole industry. The Women’s Trade Network will enable more women to access roles they may previously have thought of as off-limits to them and drive a change in how these jobs are perceived. We’re excited to be a driving force in changing perceptions.”

The Level 1 course provides the broad skills required to success in a career in trade and an insight into the range of trades, with an opportunity to try each one.

The Level 2 course will help women to explore business ideas and select the most appropriate option to develop. Those taking part will learn how to develop and progress a business plan, and how to market a business, as well as legal and financial requirements.

To learn more about the current courses available, visit the Plentific website.