Fiona Fletcher Smith visits residents who had reported problems with damp and mould

Published on 02/02/2023

In January, L&Q Chief Executive, Fiona Fletcher Smith, was joined by David Lewis, Director of Property Services, joined representatives from Zap Carbon to visit residents who had reported problems with damp and mould in their homes.

Zap Carbon have partnered with L&Q on our Healthy Homes programme, which focuses on tackling the root cause of the problem and carry out any repairs needed to prevent damp and mould from reoccurring. So far we have visited over 11,000 homes. 

Fiona and David spent more than two hours in the resident’s home, assessing the issue, identifying repairs and treating the problem, as well as sharing helpful energy-saving tips.

As part of the visit a small moisture monitor was installed, with the resident’s permission, to help us what’s happening in their home and to help us work with them to minimise the chance of the problem reoccurring.

Fiona said,
“We take reports of damp and mould very seriously, and the care and time taken by our contractor was incredible. I would urge any resident who spots damp or mould in their home, no matter how little, to report it to us immediately, so that we can help.”

To find out more about how to report and help prevent damp and mould, please visit our damp and mould page.