Prime Minister makes housing a priority in Government reshuffle

Published on 10/01/2018

Prime Minister Theresa May has reshuffled her Cabinet and rebranded several departments to align with her priorities. Sajid Javid MP remains Secretary of State at the newly branded Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government with Dominic Raab MP joining him as Minister for Housing, alongside two Parliamentary Under Secretaries of State: Rishi Sunak MP and Heather Wheeler MP. Previous Housing Minister Alok Sharma has been moved to the Department of Work and Pensions to be Minister for Employment.

David Montague, Chief Executive of L&Q said:

“This rebranding is a sign the Prime Minister is taking housing seriously, putting such an important issue front and centre. This creates a distinct opportunity for Sajid Javid to deliver the legacy of house building he has been trailing. The responsibility of delivering the homes we need now sits at the top level.

“I would like to congratulate Dominic Raab on his new appointment and extend my thanks to Alok Sharma as we all wish him the best in his new position. Mr Raab has a track record as an effective operator and was tipped for high office in this reshuffle. I am pleased such high office has proved to be housing. L&Q shares the drive of the department to tackle the housing crisis head on and look forward to working together to deliver the homes we desperately need.”