Hounslow approves plans for improved supermarket and affordable homes on Brentford High Street

Published on 20/07/2020

Plans to deliver 215 new and affordable homes – alongside an improved supermarket – have moved one step closer to being realised. On Thursday 9th July, Hounslow’s Planning Committee voted unanimously to approve an application to redevelop the Morrisons supermarket on Brentford High Street.

In 2018, plans were approved that would have seen the existing supermarket demolished and re-built, alongside 221 rental homes and four smaller shops. However, when charitable housing association L&Q acquired the site in 2019, it immediately began considering how to improve upon these plans.

Following an extensive design process with architects HTA Design, including consultation with the local community, L&Q developed plans for a larger and improved supermarket space, alongside 215 homes. The supermarket will be located over two levels beneath the homes, together with two smaller commercial units – all facing onto the High Street. With the improvements made to the internal layouts, the supermarket will be more suitable for a single occupier to move into than the 2018 application, something that local residents expressed a preference for during the consultation.  

Meanwhile, the housing association’s plans will see the percentage of affordable homes increased from 25% to 66%. Importantly, the homes will be a truly inclusive mix of tenures; 44 will be for affordable rent, 97 for shared ownership, and 74 for market sale.

The plans will be good for families too, as L&Q tripled the amount of three-bedroom homes, something that was made possible by removing studio apartments from the scheme and replacing these with larger units. Each of these improved units will have access to their own private balcony or terrace.

Alongside the homes and shopping opportunities, the plans will create a publicly accessible square, restoring a historic route between the High Street and St Paul’s Church. This will be planted and populated with street furniture, creating an attractive new space for people to relax and socialise.

The housing association is working with the council to find ways to help local residents’ shop during construction works, when the existing supermarket is closed. Options being looked at include a shuttle bus service to a nearby store, or a discounted home delivery service for residents living in close proximity to the supermarket site.

Angie Hooper, Director of Business Development at L&Q said, “We’re delighted that Hounslow Council has given our plans this resounding endorsement. We understand the importance of shops – from helping people to get their groceries to providing local jobs. We’re proud to have developed proposals, by working with the community, that will help to reinvigorate the High Street, with a new supermarket and shops alongside hundreds of new and affordable homes.”