L&Q named one of Britain’s top 100 LGBT-inclusive employers by Stonewall

Published on 30/01/2020

Stonewall cover


L&Q has been named one of the most inclusive employers by lesbian, gay, bi and trans equality charity Stonewall in its Top 100 Employers list for 2020.

We have placed 83rd on this year’s list.

This year’s top 100 was the largest ever with 503 employers entering, demonstrating their commitment to LGBT workplace inclusion.

Stonewall collects more than 109,000 anonymous responses from employees on their experience of Britain’s workplace culture and diversity. This year, 81 per cent of LGBT employees who responded to the survey said they feel able to be themselves in the workplace.

David Montague, Chief Executive of L&Q said: “We are honoured to be one of Stonewall’s top 100 employers. It reflects our ongoing commitment to diversity and to creating an inclusive workplace culture for LGBT colleagues and residents. 

“Inclusion is a key value of ours, so to be recognised for our innovative work and effective collaboration is a wonderful achievement.

“We embrace our diversity and our staff network, Spectrum, has helped us to become a better employer for LGBT people.”

Stonewall’s 2018 work report revealed more than a third of LGBT staff have hidden they are LGBT at work and almost one in five LGBT have been the target of negative comments from colleagues because of their identity.

Sanjay Sood-Smith, Stonewall’s Executive Director of Workplace & Community Programmes, said: “We are delighted to name L&Q as one of our Top 100 Employers this year.

“All the organisations in this year's Top 100 Employer's list are playing a huge role in improving the lives of LGBT people, and should be very proud of their work.

'We still don't live in a world where everyone is able to be themselves in the workplace, as we know more than a third of LGBT staff hide who they are at work.

“By taking steps to make their workplaces supportive and welcoming of all lesbian, gay, bi and trans people, businesses like L&Q are bringing us closer to a world where everyone is accepted without exception.”

Stonewall’s Top 100 is compiled from submissions to the Workplace Equality Index, a powerful benchmarking tool used by employers to assess their achievements and progress on LGBT equality in the workplace, as well as their wider work in the community and on service provision.

Each organisation must demonstrate their expertise in 10 areas of employment policy and practice, including networking groups, senior leadership, procurement and how well they’ve engaged with LGBT communities.