Vote for Community Project of the Year for the Creating Places Awards 2019

Published on 31/10/2019

Help decide which of three L&Q Foundation-funded projects deserves to win the coveted title of Community Project of the Year at the Creating Places Awards 2019. Vote for your favourite now!

Projects run by the Young Urban Arts Foundation, the Construction Youth Trust and Magic Me have all been shortlisted for the award – now they need your vote to win. The winner will be announced at a ceremony at Le Meridien on Piccadilly on 26 November 2019.

Here are our three shortlisted projects:

Amplify Yourself
The Young Urban Arts Foundation runs the Amplify Yourself project. It uses creative arts, such as music, to build confidence and skills among young people. By giving participants positive role models and opportunities to talk about issues they face, the project helps raise their aspirations.  

Watch a short film about the project – and then vote for it if you would like it to win Community Project of the Year.

Learning to Succeed
The Construction Youth Trust runs the Learning to Succeed project, working with 6,000 pupils in 30 secondary schools in London. The project helps pupils develop their skills, particularly in Science, Technology, English and Maths, and to consider careers in housing and construction. 

Watch a short film about the project – and then vote for it if you would like it to win Community Project of the Year.

Quality Street
Magic Me runs the Quality Street project. The project encourages different generations in Leyton, east London, to get to know each other better. It has helped reduce isolation and foster a sense of belonging by bringing people of all ages and backgrounds together through activities and events.

Watch a short film about the project – and then vote for it if you would like it to win Community Project of the Year.

Voting closes at 11.59 pm on 17 November 2019.

This award is sponsored by the L&Q Foundation.

The L&Q Foundation is fundamental in helping L&Q achieve its mission is to create homes and neighbourhoods we can be proud of. It oversees programmes to support our residents to live independent lives and sustain their tenancies, and it invests in activities that increase opportunities for our residents and the wider communities.

The Creating Places Awards are our chance to recognise the people and groups who make a real difference in their community. Nominations come from our residents and our people.

There are five awards, including Neighbour of the Year and Young Person of the Year. Winners in four categories are chosen by residents Fayann Simpson and Michael Verrier, who sit on our Resident Services Group.

Anyone who would like to vote but can’t use the online survey is welcome to vote by writing to our Homelife magazine. Simply email or send a postcard or letter to Homelife, L&Q, 29-35 West Ham Lane, Stratford, London E15 4PH. Please make sure your entry arrives before the deadline of 17 November.