L&Q launches new supported housing subsidiary

Published on 03/04/2017

L&Q is set to meet the needs of growing numbers of older and vulnerable people as it launches its new care and support subsidiary, L&Q Living.

L&Q Living, which launches today, brings together more than 6,600 supported and sheltered housing units from both L&Q and East Thames, following their merger in December last year.

The £47m per annum subsidiary will provide accommodation and support for older people, adults with learning disabilities, with mental health needs and young people across London and the South East.

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It aims to build upon the existing services provided individually by both East Thames and L&Q by becoming a sector leader in dementia and autism care, expanding mental health provision and developing a new model of accommodation and support for vulnerable young people, focussing on those who are leaving care or who have complex needs.

Ambitions for the new subsidiary mirror those across the wider group, with plans for L&Q Living to grow its care and support services over the next five years. 

L&Q Living will assist the wider L&Q Group to consider and address the needs of older and vulnerable residents living elsewhere in the group’s stock. More than 5,000 L&Q residents are aged over 75 and could benefit from tailored services and alternative housing that better meets their changing needs.

Yvonne Arrowsmith, chief executive of East Thames, said:

“We believe that everyone should have a quality home and that extends to people who may need help to live independently. The UK’s population is ageing and the number of vulnerable adults is growing. It’s vital, therefore, that we grow our care and support services, invest in new supported housing and give older and vulnerable people choice.

“The new generation of people turning to supported and sheltered housing have higher housing aspirations than ever before. Through L&Q Living, we will help them access homes that better meet their needs and help them remain independent for longer.”

David Montague, chief executive of the L&Q Group said:

“Through L&Q Living we will combine our social purpose and commercial drive to deliver a new deal for older and vulnerable residents. As a large housing association, with ambitious new development plans, we want to be sure that the homes and neighbourhoods we’re creating are suitable for everyone, even the most vulnerable in our society.

“And we’ll go beyond simply providing the homes. Our supported residents will benefit from the full breadth of our services, including our investment in a new community foundation and academy.”