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Warning, e-bike and e-scooter fires are on the rise

The number of fires caused by e-bikes and e-scooters is increasing, according to the London Fire Brigade.

The London Fire Brigade (LFB) recently reported a warning for firefighters after a blaze went out of control at a building in Shepherd’s Bush. The fire was caused by a faulty e-bike’s lithium-ion battery.

With e-bikes and e-scooters on the rise, comes a corresponding fire safety concern with how you charge and store them.

Most are powered by lithium-ion batteries, allowing you to charge them in your home, however, fire services and fire investigators have seen a rise in e-bike and e-scooter battery fires.

Below is our safety advice for e-bike and e-scooter users/owners:


  • follow the manufacturer’s instructions when charging and always unplug your charger when it’s finished charging
  • ensure you have smoke alarms fitted in areas where e-bikes or e-scooters are being charged and make sure they are tested regularly
  • don’t leave batteries to charge while you are asleep or away from the home
  • always use the manufacturer-approved charger for the product, and if you spot any signs of wear and tear or damage buy an official replacement charger for your product from a reputable seller
  • batteries should always be charged on hard flat surfaces where heat can dissipate
  • batteries can also pose a risk if they have been damaged, so try to ensure they are not getting knocked around while in use or while being carried as spares as this can increase the chance of damage to cells
  • do not cover chargers or battery packs when charging as this could lead to overheating or even a fire
  • do not charge batteries or store your e-bike or e-scooter near combustible or flammable materials
  • do not overcharge your battery – check the manufacturer’s instructions for charge times
  • do not overload socket outlets or use inappropriate extension leads (use un-coiled extensions and ensure the lead is suitably rated for what you are plugging into it)
  • please keep your flat entrance door shut behind you when you leave your flat


  • avoid storing or charging e-bikes and e-scooters on escape routes or in communal areas of a multi-occupied building. If there’s a fire, it can affect people’s ability to escape
  • store e-bikes and e-scooters and their batteries in a cool place. Avoid storing them in excessively hot or cold areas
  • follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the storage and maintenance of lithium-ion batteries if they are not going to be used for extended periods of time

In the event of an e-bike, e-scooter or lithium-ion battery fire – do not attempt to extinguish the fire. Get out, stay out, and call 999.

For more information, please visit the LFB website