Helping tackle gun and knife crime

An important project tackling gang violence has reached 64,000 young people at risk of falling into a life of crime thanks to our £600,000 donation.

The Save London Lives initiative, which was backed by the Evening Standard, gave grassroots organisations £2m to tackle the causes of gun and knife crime.

The L&Q Foundation was the largest single donor to the project, which was also supported by the Home Office. 

The campaign supported 57 organisations across London to steer at-risk youngsters away from crime. The projects included anti-knife crime workshops in schools, family support and trauma training for youth centre staff.

Hand in foreground holding a knife with two figures of people in the background.

An independent evaluation report has now revealed that a staggering 64,000 young people have benefited from the initiative.

The report found that 88% of the organisations involved said the programme had supported participants in developing their emotional intelligence and behaviour skills, as well as enhancing their safety.

And the effects will continue to be felt after the completion of the project, as 89% of the organisations said that they had developed their skills and capacity to carry on supporting young people as a result of the funding.

Another organisation reported an 80% non-reoffending rate among young people who took part and a 48% reduction in youth ASB (Anti-Social Behaviour) and violence on a key estate that they worked intensively on.

Matt Corbett, Director of the L&Q Foundation, said, “Gang crime is a tragic epidemic that has taken young lives and devastated families over many years. We have been proud to support the Save London Lives fund to carry out this valuable work. Moving forwards, we will continue to support organisations tackling youth violence through our Place Makers Fund.”

Organisations can apply for funding by visiting The Place Makers Fund page.