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Share your experiences of social housing

Take part in the Better Social Housing Review’s nationwide survey to share your experiences with social housing.

The Better Social Housing Review was set up in June 2022 by The National Housing Federation and Chartered Institute of Housing to tackle social housing issues in England. The independent panel leading the review are diverse experts with direct experience in social housing and a passion for improving its quality.

Over the next two months, the panel members will meet various social housing providers, central and local government, regulators and charities and work with both tenants and customer-facing housing staff.

As part of the review, Better Social Housing has also launched two surveys - one to get tenants views and another for all other stakeholders – both will add to the way the government and social housing across England are run. Both surveys will be open until the end of October.

Your feedback will provide important insight into the quality of social housing and living conditions as well as experiences of repairs and maintenance.

Please visit the Better Social Housing Review’s website for more information about its work and how you can get involved.