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Celebrating resident volunteers

Volunteers’ Week takes place every year from June 1 – 7.

Around 600 residents have signed up to volunteer their time to help us improve our services and support local communities. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to provide homes and neighbourhoods that people can be proud of.

This year, to mark the occasion, we decided to shine a spotlight on five incredible resident volunteers. You can read more about them here and their experiences volunteering with us:


Planning, collaboration and hard work between Resident Services Board member Tim and the Estates and Housing Management teams has given the residents of Silwood Estate an open space that they can be proud of. Find out about Tim’s advocacy work.


As well as being the Chair of Meridian Court’s residents’ association, Darja has taken part in recruitment activities and the re-design of services. Read Darja's story.


Darja, Chair of Meridia Court residents association stood with two other members



Queen’s Road resident Annick is proud of her local area’s heritage and has lived at the Richmond based estate for 42 years. An avid neighbourhood champion, she has played a vital role in shaping life there, regularly bringing us and her neighbours together and creating opportunities for everyone to have their voice heard. Read about Annick's work.


Community spirit was available in abundance at the Silwood Estate’s street party thanks to neighbourhood champion Davina’s event-planning flair. Thanks to funding from the Foundation, Davina and the Lewington Community Centre Management Committee organised a coronation party with a twist, with residents donning their cultural wear as part of a multicultural community celebration. Read Davina's story.


Malcolm had wanted to get involved with us for a while, but his visual impairment meant that many of the face-to-face options, including estate walkarounds, weren’t suitable. When an opportunity arose to help out with the recruitment for a major works role, not only did Malcolm sign up, but he also stepped in to review extra assessments when another volunteer pulled out last minute. Read his story.

How you can get involved

We have lots of formal and informal opportunities for residents to get involved with us – and we’re committed to making sure your experience is enjoyable, accessible and meaningful.

Volunteering is an opportunity for you to develop your skills and experience, meet some of our teams and connect with other residents in the process.

Whether it’s supporting us with staff training, service design, quality assurance, complaints handling or recruiting frontline roles, resident volunteers are helping us to spot problems and find solutions. 

Find out how you can get involved as a resident volunteer.