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Are you over 50 and identify as LGBTQ+?

As Pride season is in full swing, we wanted to introduce you to Opening Doors, the only dedicated national charity helping connect LGBTQ+ people over 50 with activities, events, support and information.

We have teamed up with Opening Doors to provide L&Q residents across London with access to their community engagement and befriending programmes. Here are some of the opportunities you can get involved in.

Float and crowd of HouseProud members, including L&Q staff, walking through Manchester Pride in 2022

Community Engagement

Opening Doors hold regular groups, activities and events each month, both in-person and online. From arts classes to singing, walking clubs to breakfast clubs, there’s something for everyone.  The one-off activities and events include:

  • Pride in London and UK Black Pride
  • A Christmas Carol Concert
  • Trips to cultural heritage spaces such as Tate Britain/Modern, British Museum, the Van Gogh House, Kew Gardens and many, many more

To view information about their regular groups please click here including dedicated groups for People of Colour, the Trans and Non-Binary community and those living with dementia.


The specialised befriending service through either home social visits or phone calls aims to reduce the stress of loneliness and isolation, increase people’s confidence, and enable people to maintain their independence.

It is also a great way to spend time with someone else who identifies as LGBTQ+. For more information, please email befriending@openingdoors.lgbt including ‘L&Q resident’ in the subject line.


Opening Doors are also keen to better understand the needs of over 50s LGBTQ+ residents and have put together a short survey to capture and assess this need. If you would like to complete this survey, please email community@openingdoors.lgbt including ‘L&Q survey’ in the subject line.

London Borough of Lewisham

For those living in Lewisham, there is a more intensive community outreach work being planned. If you want to know more, please email community@openingdoors.lgbt including ‘L&Q Lewisham’ in the subject line.